Born from more than twenty years of experience in the transportation of food oils, Kortimed has been offering a wide range of logistics solutions for the transport of consumer liquids since 2005. Thanks to its competitiveness and service guaranteed 365 days a year, the company is recognized today as one of the most important carriers in the Mediterranean, Italy and Europe.


Kortimed counts on an efficient operational network of intermodal transport, built over the years thanks to the partnership with important shipping companies such as Grimaldi Lines, and railways. This allows a quick and reliable service for deliveries all over Europe and the Mediterranean.


Kortimed is fully operational 365 days a year and is able to guarantee to all its customers a constant service in all product categories (wine,juice,milk and vegetable oil) accomodating peaks and lows of seasonable productions. Every type of food liquid that is transported with the tanks is safe, traceable and meets the hygiene standards required by community legislation, ensuring its reliability and integrity of organoleptic characteristics throughout all stages of transport.


Since 1982, Marco Corti has been a point of reference for all oil transport in Europe Marco Corti's intuition and winning strategy was to combine road and ship transport of this fundamental and central element of the Mediterranean diet Marco Corti was the first Italian transport and logistics company to understand the importance of the development of maritime transport, which will soon become the point of reference for the entire food logistics industry.



A precious resource of our territory that is treated with the utmost accuracy and speed. For wine transport and its derivatives, Kortimed offers a variety of solutions and maximum load versatility for every need.



Health and ATP certifications guarantees thatall our tanks respond to the highest quality standards for food safety. The goal is to keep the organoleptic characteristics of this product intact, throughout the transportation, from the load to delivery to the final customer.



Fast delivery and absolute respect for hygiene and cleaning, 24 hours a day, are the main features of our work., Kortimed is committed to providing all customers with an excellent service and the capacity to adapt transport request to the different types of food liquids




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Kortimed’s new site

Kortimed introduces its renovated digital appearance! We're glad to introduce you to our new site...


The certainty of a certified hygienical transportation: Washmed's washing services.

The safety and hygiene of the Kortimed tanks are guaranteed every day by the experience gained in tens of years of work in the transport sector. Thanks to our partner Washmed and other suppliers across Europe, we offer a 100% protected service for both our customers and end users.

Kortimed Srl - P.IVA 05473540481 Via Le Sodole, 40/b - Cass. Postale 92 - 50055 Lastra a Signa (FI)

Kortimed srl è stata dichiarata beneficiaria, con delibera finale della Segreteria di Stato per i Trasporti e la Mobilità Sostenibile del 5 aprile 2024, del primo bando per agevolazioni dell'ecoincentivo per promuovere il trasporto marittimo di merci in base al merito ambientale e socioeconomico, corrispondente al periodo di ammissibilità 2022-2023 in conformità con le basi normative pubblicate nella BOE del 5 maggio 2022 nell'ordinanza TMA/391/2022 del 26 aprile. L'importo di tale sussidio è ammontato a € 375.904,80

Kortimed Srl Sucursal en España - CIF W0075963I - Calle Mas de Oliveral, Número 7 - 46190, Ribarroja del Turia, Valencia

Kortimed srl Sucursal en España ha sido declarada beneficiaria, mediante resolución definitiva de la Secretaría de Estado de Transportes y Movilidad Sostenible de fecha 5 de abril de 2024, en la primera convocatoria de subvenciones del eco-incentivo para el impulso del transporte marítimo de mercancías basado en el mérito ambiental y socioeconómico, correspondiente al período de elegibilidad 2022-2023 de acuerdo con las bases reguladoras publicadas en el BOE del 5 de Mayo de 2022 en la Orden TMA/391/2022 de 26 de abril. El importe de dicha subvención ha ascendido a 470.104,40€.

Canal del informante - Kortimed Srl Sucursal en España